Saturday, October 24, 2009

Given the acute shortage of organs, why do we still accord a higher status to the deceased than to the living?

In England, and I suspect in the USA, too, thousands of terminally ill patients are waiting for a transplant of some kind, many will be unlucky and will die before an organ can be found. Why do people still morally object to changing the law to an "opt out" system that countries in Europe have used successfully, whereby if you object to having your organs harvested after you die for medical use you can make your opinon known to the authorities before that fateful day and automatically come off the donar register list. Do we value the life of the dead more than the living?
I should not have to take extra steps to keep what belongs to me. Besides, the world hates me. Why should I do it any favors?
a very good question, which is why after my death I say take what you need because I want need it anymore.
Short answer, yes. Long answer we are obsessed with death and somehow knowing that their bodies will not be touched after death gives some people comfort. I guess the thought behind is akin to ancient egyptians mummification philosophy. However unless religious practices change I don't think anyone can do anything about it.

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