Monday, October 12, 2009

For which diseases or conditions is umbilical cord blood stem-cell therapy most effective?

I don't agree that the answer is "none" when in fact cord blood stem cells has already proven to be effective. Below is a link for a full list of diseases treated by cord blood stem cells.It seems as if more of the successful stories from using cord blood stem cells are for leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell anemia.
cord blood is utilized for the treatment of many diseases--such as leukemia, sickle cell anemia and Hodgkin's disease-
it is better than bone marrow transplants and less immunoplogically active hence low chances of graft vs host disorder
none yet, we are having trouble just getting them to grow how we want them to. all these promises of cures are promises of "potential" cures. we are just beginning to learn how cells work and how to manipulate them. there will have to be decades of research before we can properly combat diseases with stem-cell techniques. longer if we allow our politicians to interfere with our research and cut off funding to researchers because of religious beliefs. just remember this, controlling life at the cellular level is no easy task. gainging the ability to do so will take many more years of support, failure, and eventually success. but no quick miracle cures, some unscrupulous scientists make it seem this way in a effort to get research dollars.

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