Saturday, November 7, 2009

Has There Ever Been a Successful Brain Transplant??

Animal or Human where the patient lived??
No there has not been. There were some reports of attempts made many years ago in Eastern bloc countries using small animals, all of which were shown to be hoaxes.
your a retard
Unfortunately for you - not yet and probably never will be!
no * wipe!
Maybe George Bush.oh successful, nope!
lol i dont think so but i think it might be helpful if there was. but i think it would be like having the mind of one person in another body kinda creepy
Nope. Even Dr. Frankenstein blew it. Too bad, too- Cuz there's lots of monsters out here who need one.
There has been a head transplant.
Some russian scientists during worldwar 1 or 2, build what later would be known as a heart-long machine.
In order to test it, they had a dog's head attached to a couple of tubes that were fed oxygen enriched blood.There is a movie somewhere on the internet where you can see a severed dog's head laying on a table, which responds to stimuly (prodding, clapping, lemonjuice on mouth).The dog IS alife, I saw the movie. However, it is VERY gruwesome to see.This experiment was done to impress the americans because the exchange of medical scientific research and results were uphold during the war.After this movie, you'll find another one where the scientists have grafted a small dog's head on the shoulder of a larger dog.
The small dog is very much alife, however, it has no controll of any limbs.-----------------
Also, recently some asian researcher apparently managed to stick one monkey's head to another monkey's (different species) body.
With was a laughable attempt for fame since as mentioned, this was already done during one of the worldwars.
The monkey's head was only attached through the blood-veins and had absolutly no nerves attached.
The Body was only used as some deranged heart-lung machine.
I just glanced, but your head looked kind of funny. Did you get a brain transplant and now looking for a better one? Well, I really hate to hear about those little dogs, how cruel. I only know of Frankenstein, and Young Frankenstein got a bad brain, it was "abe normal", so I don't think it is a very good idea. In the movie, Frankenstein was given other body parts that were better than others, if you know what I mean. "Young Frankenstein" is a great movie, go see it. Gene Wilder, and lots of good actors. No, I do not think it is possible so just forget it and go to bed.
u need one but no chance.

Has there ever been a record for the longest male appendige?

And no it was not Mr Miles Long!
there was guy named holmes.
famous porno starfifteen i believe
I assume it was the leg of some basketball star. Or were you being euphemistic in "male appendige" [sic]?In that case, I think it was Long John Holmes.
I believe it was "Long Dong Silver" a black man who posed for porno photos. It was down to his knees. Operative term "down".
If there is, it would have been set by a man suffering from "elephantiasis". This is a disorder of lymphatic drainage, caused by a parasite that lives in the lymphatic ducts. Legs and scrotums are often affected; I am sure that it would have resulted in grossly distended penises see:"Results 1 - 10 of about 42,500 for penis elephantiasis. (0.12 seconds) "eg:Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases. Three hundred fifty patients with elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum were surgically treated by .
I always thought it was Errol Flynn?

Has Modern science made it possible to permanently change your eye color?

I've heard of super mice, with advance physical skills, and superb eye sight, robotic tech. capable of helping war victims walk. but is it possible to permanetly change your eye color without the use of contacts? I've read this page-
which seems to be a hoax, in my opinion. I've also read that certain medicines, used to treat several eye disorders, can alter lighter eyes into becoming darker, by somehow darkening the the melanin in the eye. Can modern science alter eye color at will?
I haven't heard anything on this since the nazis injected jews' eyes with dyes to try and change theirs. . .
i hope so
Ive never heard of this and i really dont think its possible.
I have also read that treatment for melanin changes some eyes to brown. I suppose you could have blue eyes, but the melanin colors then brown.
The colors come from the texture of the iris similar to albacore sea shells. The lines act as a diffraction grating so reflect different wavelenghts differently at different angles.
There are contact lenses with colored Iris parts. Some yellow with cat pupils for Halloween.
I don't think so. But firstly you have to think again about why people want to change their eye color.People in Asia like to wear blue/grey tinted contact-lenses because they think that deep brown eye is not cool. Otherwise, people in Europe or somewhere else want to have deep brown eye because they think that their blue/grey eyes are not sexy. What a very complicated thing to change!
Although I do not suggest doing so, latanoprost (Xalatan) is a prostaglandin medication used for glaucoma, that, with extended usage, will increase iris pigmentation. This is a side effect or adverse reaction upon using lantanoprost for an extended period of time. It is a marked event for those who have blue or green eyes, as their iris is permanently changed to brown. While there is no damage to the eye associated with the color change, some people do not like this cosmetic change. Again, use of this medication is solely for glaucoma, and the color change is a side effect.

Has Aryan DNA Been Identified?

information for ur Q
no I dot think so
I thought Hitler did that already? I remember we all had a "Stammbuch" from the Govt, and if the Nazis found out you had Jewish blood in your family, its goodbye to the extermination camps. Germans did lots of genetic testings. There is a book called "Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit" (Medicin without Mercy") read has all the medical testing and experimentation in it!
there is no aryan DNAand FYI blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive traits; i.e. weak traints..sorry to disappoint
Are you on Parole or Probation?.Did you get beat in?.or need protection?
The Human Genome Project has shown us that we are much more alike one another than we are different: genes that code for "race," whatever that might be, are not very obvious. One thing is for certain, there is no such thing as Aryan DNA.
please before you post a Q on a serious place like MEDICINE ask
yourself if you really mean that

Has anyone tried the Brown Recluse First Aid Kit that is sold online? If so does it work?

I disagree with Sean's last sentence. Many of the times you will not see the spider before you are bit. I am a prime example of that. I have no idea where I was when I was bit or when it happened exactly. I could have rolled over in bed, sat in a chair, whatever. I have no idea.As for your question, I would be curious to know if the kits do work. I went through a great deal of pain and general discomfort from my bite. I did not suffer any tissue damage. I am not sure anything would stop tissue damage from a recluse bite anyway.
It does not work. At least there is no scientific evidence that there are ANY techniques that will change the course of a brown recluse bite.Most of the time it's no different from a regular insect bite, but in the rare person who develops ulceration, there's nothing that stops it. Many scientists and doctors have spent years on the problem without an answer. If it was as easy as an over the counter kit, every ER in the country would stock them.Remember, unless you see the spider bite you, it's probably not even a spider bite.
See a doctor. Do not wait.

Has anyone tried Khat?

i know its a stimulant but would it help to loose weight?
Although khat has shown some ability to control weight in animal studies, it has not been proved in human studies to have any effect on appetite or obesity. In general, khat has no medical uses. The use of khat is not advised due to the probability that it may cause dependence and serious side effects.
very tastey shave well
Sorry do you mean Ketamine?
I have a Khat. He's a Maine Coon and his name is Theodore.
Do you mean that Ethiopian grass stuff that you chew? (as available in loads of Liverpool corner shops). Yes tried it - utterly disgusting..
No, and not sure I want to.

Has anyone regretted doing medicine as a career and regretted it, i'm thinking about it?

Yes. I regretted it all the way through medschool and for a while after qualifying from medschool, but not any more.I did a science degree first and then went to medschool. I did my science degree at a very academic university and found medschool dull and unchallenging by comparison - there is a lot of rote learning and you don't really have to think much for yourself during that time. When I qualified as a doctor and worked as an intern - I again regretted it. It was long hours and it was dull - I ran around organising tests, doing what other people told me to do. HOWEVER, when I became a resident it was completely different. You suddenly end up making significant decisions about treatment, your critical skills are suddenly called upon much more in terms of diagnosing problems, you really have to think, the job becomes very dynamic - you learn so much, you experience so much. It is hard work, but it is great fun and both very challenging and very rewarding. So - in the long run it is definitely worth it.
i was an army medic and loved it.

Has anyone of you ever glued a piece of broken tooth back onwith superglue, if so what happened?

Did it kill the tooth or was it fine forever?
Superglue is used in many surgical procedures and so should be safe to use. However, if you are just gluing back a piece of tooth you will almost certainly be doing it in a non-sterile way and may be creating a whole lot of other problems. In an emergency its probably ok, but I wouldn't personally do it as it might cause more harm for when you finally get to see the dentist.In an emergency, if a filling drops out, I dry the tooth off as much as possible using kitchen towel and use a lump of softened candle wax in it. It works really well as a temporary filling without causing any great problems, is non toxic just in case you swallow it and feels fine in the mouth without causing any further damage.
i had a friend do that once it worked for a few days but it fell off and he went to dentist and had it rebuilt
My dad once glued his dentures back together, that worked just fine! lmao
I haven't but I assume it would not last that long. Saliva would break the glue down in a matter of days.
I wouldnt try superglue!!
If you go into Boots they have some tooth repair kits, near the dental floss, I would try that!
if ur teeth half broken u can use superglue,may be it will work
if ur teeth broken from the root it is not advertise to use superglue boz if u use glue on that place it become solid so no blood circulation will happen
my sister is using it since 6 years. nothing will happen no one can identify that. go ahead. but you should be cautious while biting hard is not much risky..
Hi,.Yes some years ago I stuck a filling back in which came cleanly out of my tooth. It was a lower molar. I used superglue and I thought it would be fine. I was so pleased with the result. However, some days later the tooth began to ache and then ache really badly. The dentist said that an abscess had formed. After several attempts to root fill it which failed (abscess kept forming) I had to have the tooth out. All seemed to be well until I had my next check up. The socket had not knitted together properly, apparently this is a sign of some underlying condition. I had to have my gum excised and the bone cleaned and 'roughed' up so that the healing would commence. It did and it is fine now. Its tempting to try things yourself,I may be lucky, but my encounter with supergluing caused an infection to travel down the nerve canal to my jawbone. Good luck with whichever way you go.
yes but i also glued my top lip to the tooth and had to go to hospital to get unglued very pianfull as for the tooth the dentisit took it out what a waist of time that was

Has anyone majored in medicine, if yes, how did it go for you?

Hard, easy, interesting, stressfull?
Learning medicine was hard and stressful for me. There is a lot of information you have to learn-- in fact, you will never fully understand everything, because there is simply too much to learn, but you try to understand those things that can immediately change somebody's health. Knowing it is immensely helpful in understanding how health works though, and the ability to share that knowledge is very rewarding.If you have the opportunity to study medicine, I strongly recommend it if you enjoy talking to people and helping them with problems they have.
its very interesting. if you are getting a chance please go and join it.
your not much money in it but also get respct and satisfaction of helping others.
In the UK, I find it goes through phases. Sometimes I feel so stressed cos of exams or a really heavy workload in the wards, but then other times I find it pretty easy going.
Whether it's easy or hard I love it though, and I can totally see that I want to do it and become a doctor however hard it is. Really realy interesting and cool to see how different people act around doctors compared to outside. I'm totally shocked at the amount of men who have said they don't want a chaperone when I have said I need to examine the hernia on thier groin (I've never caused an errection doing that yet and long may it continue).I beleive that medicine in the states is a bit more stressfull but if you want to do it (and really only people who have a passion for medicine will) then you will put all the hardship asside and go for it.
i studied pharmacy .now i am a pharmacist and a researcher in pharmacology science.
I'm studying medicine right now. I'm not really good at remembering things, so when it comes to exams, it's quite hard, and the competition makes it quite stressful. However, I really love this field. Not only it is interesting, but I can really do something for people. I might be just an insignificant person in the world, but at least I know I'll be able to save people's lives. Even though this road is not easy, my love for it will help me get through.
I have a certificate in biomedical science and am starting medical school. I love it!

Has anyone made it into Med school without the killer GPA?

I am a first year right now. I got in with a 3.1 GPA and a 32 MCAT. I applied to 30 schools the first time and only got one interview. I was waitlisted and a spot never opened up. I immediately applied to a masters program at EVMS and after one year I was immediately accepted into their medical school. So yes, but I had to get a one year masters degree at a medical school. They are called Special Masters Programs. There are only a few, mostly east coast. Look at UPenn, Drexel, Georgetown, EVMS.
Schools in the Carribean take lower grades.
Do you have a rich uncle or amazing MCAT scores?
Only if you have a killer MCAT score. I knew a guy who barely had a 3.0 GPA but scored a 12 on the MCAT and got in.I don't know if they still do this, but some medical schools used to reserve 2% of their seats for extraordinary cases. If you have a really good sob story (no offense) you might be able to get accepted that way.
yes they do my roommate just got in to med school with a 2.87 and mediocure MCAT score but had a lot of extracurriculars, like interning at places and he started a free medical clinc so things like that are a real big help
you can do it if you have super MCAT scores, good letter of references, reasearch experience or better yet been published,

Has Anyone In The Medical Proffession Come across A Real Life Vampire?

I Came across 3 or Them in San Diego Ca
1) ur from india
2)ur an english teacher
3)vampires doesnot exist
Do you mean vampire as in a "real" one who needs blood to survive and will die in the sun, or a mentally disturbed or cultish person who thinks they are a vampire and drinks blood; like a "technical" vampire?
well yes i read about one account. In ancient medivel times there was a disese which resulted in low levels of blood. So the patients were pale and looked ghostly. These patients suffered fatigue and mostly remained at home thus the beggining of the vampire legend.
I have read somewhere that there are people who just feel the need for blood. They don't burn in sunlight nor turn into bats at night.
I think it was some psychological disturbance most probably from watching too much horror movies. They even have their own websites where they explain ways to obtain blood and claim that it sucks to be "thirsty".

[ Edit this page ] [ Page history ] [ Printable version ]vampire 1. A blood-sucking ghost; a soul of a dead person superstitiously believed to come from the grave and wander about by night sucking the blood of persons asleep, thus causing their death. This superstition is now prevalent in parts of Eastern Europe, and was especially current in hungary about the year 1730. The persons who turn vampires are generally wizards, witches, suicides, and persons who have come to a violent end, or have been cursed by their parents or by the church, (Encyc. Brit) 2. One who lives by preying on others; an extortioner; a bloodsucker. 3. (Science: zoology) Either one of two or more species of south American blood-sucking bats belonging to the genera desmodus and Diphylla. These bats are destitute of molar teeth, but have strong, sharp cutting incisors with which they make punctured wounds from which they suck the blood of horses, cattle, and other animals, as well as man, chiefly during sleep. They have a caecal appendage to the stomach, in which the blood with which they gorge themselves is stored. 4. (Science: zoology) Any one of several species of harmless tropical American bats of the genus Vampyrus, especially V. spectrum. These bats feed upon insects and fruit, but were formerly erroneously supposed to suck the blood of man and animals. Called also false vampire. (Science: zoology) Vampire bat, a vampire. Origin: F. Vampire (cf. It. Vampiro, G. %26 D. Vampir), fr. Servian vampir Alternative forms: vampyre. Retrieved from " page has been accessed 89 times. This page was last modified 21:16, 3 October 2005. ------------------------------.
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our answer
Are you referring to cases of porphoria? I have never come across any blood suckers but i did come across some suckers who were bleeding.
i am a doc , very experienced , several countries , the answer is no , the most important thing , no such thing in medical literature either, stop what ever you are smoking lol
utter bullbut when i was an intern, my nickname was vampire bcoz i go around syringing out blood for tests

Has anyone here ever woke up during surgery?

What kind of surgery was it? What did it feel like? Were you in pain?
I woke up at the end of one of the 18 surgeries i had on my leg and felt the needle going in, coming out, and the suture being drawn through my skin. It hurt, yes. They didn't believe i was 'that' awake, until i transferred myself to the cart after they were done.
No, but I was happy to wake up after it. and yes, there was pain, but at least I knew I was alive.
we'll i k now some people who woke u in surgery, they didn't feel a thing, i for got what type of surgery waas it
yes it was too soon after surgery I woke up and I could not move a limb in my body except my head it was a bad nightmare. I could not even talk properly as the sounds came out distorted. The anaestetic had not worked off and everywhere was numb. I dont want to go through that again
patients are awake/conscious on minor procedure/surgery.
well for me no, i never woke up during surgery but a friend of mine did. when she was 6 she woke up during a knee surgery and kicked the surgeon. ouch .. .for the surgeon i mean
yes,I didn't feel much I was just awake.It was a operation on my eyes.
This isn't exactly what you're asking, but when I had my varicose vein surgery I turned down the sedation and the vicodin before the surgery, and was fully awake for the whole thing. The only pain I had was from the injections of local anesthesia. They used quite a bit of that (it was a long vein) and occasionally the injections were pretty painful. Other than that all I felt was tugging. It was a fascinating experience.I was also awake for LASIK, but everyone is awake for that.
Yeah. I once woke up during ER. I think it was an operation on this guys spleen.I did'nt feel feel anything;you've seen one operation,you've seen them all.
i woke up during surgery.its just as well ,the daft sods where taking the wrong leg off
i've neva been in a surgery myself but my friend woke up while he was having his appendix removed..he said it was @ the end when they were stiching him up. he said it hurt but he couldn't move.luckily 4 him he woke up @ the end and only had 2 deal with 5mins. of pain
mine was dental surgery and i woke up while they were still drilling my tooth and roots i felt the pain longer than most have .
and my husband woke up when he was haveing sholder surgery he felt them why they were still putting in the button hooks and screws so he felt that so he hit he's doc and they came in to give him another dose and hw was out.
I dont know anyone who did.
I had an endocopy very monor surgery and was not fully down when they started and I just started choking
I was in a state of limbo when I had my pacemaker put in last year. I could hear the doctor and his staff talking about a new truck one of them had gotten. I explained I had a '65 Mustang. I could feel them moving things around and applying the wires to my heart.
Surgeons never use knives it's all Chemo.

has anyone heard of using bromcriptine to increase memory?

Bromocriptine is a semi-synthetic derivative of the ergo group of ergot alkaloids is a dopamine receptor agonist and a prolactin inhibitor. It is a potent D2 agonist but also displays partial action on D1 receptors) and a prolactin inhibitor. Its first major anti-aging use is the enhancement of dopamine, (a key brain neurotransmitter that undergoes an age-related decline). Accordingly, some neurologists have stated that “if we all live long enough we shall all become senile.” This is due to the fact that abnormally low levels of dopamine (70% to 80% loss) are then diagnosed as Parkinson’s disease, hence protection and enhancement of the dopamine producing neurons is a key strategy for anti-aging medicine. Not surprisingly, bromocriptine is used in conjunction with drugs such as deprenyl and L-dopa in the management of Parkinson’s disease and senile disorder. But bromocriptine can be used for anti-aging purposes and memory enhancer also.
no, but it's a great precursor in the synthesis of LSD

Has anyone heard of the skio machine developed by an American man to diagnose illnesses by electro-magnetics?

I invented it.
nope sorry

Has anyone heard of or taken Aderol?

If so, Is it a prescription drug? What are the effects on a person if they do not need it? Just curious and concerned about someone.
yes i have and yes it is. it's very dangerous for someone who doesn't need it. it's also very easily abused. "Recently, stimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin have become popular as either recreational drugs or “speed” for people who like to stay awake all night and party or for late night cram sessions. Adderall is a stimulant drug like other stimulant drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, and caffeine. When taken recreationally, Adderall is sometimes crushed and snorted through the nostrils or taken orally. Amphetamines like Adderall have a high potential for abuse. Taking amphetamines for long periods of time may lead to drug addiction. Misuse of Adderall may cause sudden death and heart attacks or other serious heart problems.Side effects of Adderall abuse suppression of growth in height (if you are still growing)
excessive sweating
decreased appetite
excessive talking
heart palpitations
skin rashes
digestive problems
toxic psychosis
drug dependence (addiction)
severe depression upon withdrawal"the street value for it in my hometown is $1/mg and if dispensed to anyone without a prescription, the seller can be thrown in jail and pay hefty fines and the buyer can also find themselves in legal trouble.
for more information, please visit this website:
Nope but I hope the person you are concerned about gets better!
It's for ADHD. If a person doesn't need it, it's kinda like speed. Makes your heart race and sends adrenaline racing through your system. You can check WEBMd or Yahoo Health for a complete listing on the drug.
thuis should be about everything you need or want to know about adderall
"Adderall" is a Class 2 controlled substance, possesion of which without a valid prescription is a felony anywhere in the US.There are several fatal drug interactions possible.
Adderal is a prescription drug for treatment of adhd. it won't help the person unless they have adhd. you will just get side effects: potential weight loss, stomach aches, major head aches, and other issues. also, it reacts with certain foods and other medications, and it was pulled off the market in canada for sudden death. be careful.
Adderal is often prescibed for Attention Deficit Disorder. My son has been taking it for several years.

has anyone heard of a verse of scripture thet will stop the flow of blood?

this belief is still practiced in some remote areas and it does work
Yeah, maybe if you used the actual pages as a compress.
your kidding ,right? No verse or scritpure will stop blood flow,use a touriqite and get to a sure to loosen touriqite every few minutes to allow o2 to get to to affected area.Good luck
I am not sure about that I heard of pslms having powers.I know that kabbalah holds a belief that your actions in life reflect your ills and upon a study it seemed true. Also cures.what is with these people? If you can't answer a question STFU!
the only reason that i know that will stop the flow off blood is the
lack of it. to get a more intelligent answer to your question,
give us what you base this question on. i personally would like to know how to stop blood flow, besides using a band aid.
your kidding right? use a bandaid dammit

has anyone heard of limu moui?

I went to this sight and ordered a case last week, tastes good but I am looking for testimonials.
One of nature’s health secrets has been discovered in the waters off the coast of the Pacific island of Tonga. In this tropical paradise natives have known the energizing benefits of the sea plant they call Limu Moui. Limu Moui is packed with vitamins and minerals. Limu Moui is particularly rich in the polysaccharide fucoidan. Fucoidan is the primary active phytochemical in this “miracle sea plant” and is reported to be the subject of more than 600 scientific studies.
no i don't know what it means but it sounds pretty bad.
According to the Food and Drug Administration you have been ripped off and a sucker for some slick advertising. Sorry.

has anyone had to have a root canal removed?

I've had a couple of root canals, I don't know what you mean by having it removed? It doesn't hurt at all, it just takes a loooooooong time to do, the most uncomfortable thing about it is keeping your mouth open for such a long time.
Yes, and it depends on the dentist's experience as how well your experience will be.
this is a real bad answer--it hurts me to type it. I know someone who HAD a root canal, and this person did not get a crown put on, well, the work started coming back out the tooth without any pain believe it or not!
I used to work with a woman who told me she had to have a root canal done on a tooth that had already had one. hearsay.
Personally, I don't know.
i had..
if the nerve is already dead so there should be very little pain at all. I presume you are getting a replacement canal as I did its no biggy. The lidocane will be enough anyway
if it is the first time cannal.

Has anyone had eye surgery for hemorrhaging?

My son is only 33 and is near sighted.One eye has hemoraged and it will not they are going to do surgery.It scares me.
don't be scared.i used to work at eye dr office.i've seen many of these surgeries,it will save his eye from damage,it needs to be done.if you are that apprehensive,get a 2nd opinion,it's your right.
My mother in law had laser surgery to stop bleeding in the retina. The laser was shot at the bleeding and made tiny scars to stop the bleeding. She had it done several times and it worked. The laser surgery for near sightedness also uses the making of tiny scars to reshape the lens to see better.

Has anyone had an ulcer here and what does it feel like?

I have had stomach pain for days and at first I had diarea too but now just upper left side pain. It is somewhat burny but not like acid reflux either. It is sharp at times but is always at least a dull ache. It is a holiday weekend or I probably would have been to the doctor already.
Has anyone had similar pain? Thanks.
yes i had ulcer and what am i talking i still do,,, ulcer is something you cannot cure but you can take precautions.. i experience the same problems you do. you need alot of rest, eat small amount of meals, ( eat every one hour if you have to ), stop worrying about anything, if there is any problem in liulfe, write it on a peice of paper and start thinking positive ways of handling it instead or stressing yourself. keep taking your meds, take rest in between your daily activities, also once you had a meal make sure you have a PLAIN SODA, that will digest your food and so you will not have the burning sensation. All these what i am saying you can write it down and ask your doctor, he/ she will agree with my advice to you. As i have been suffering from ulcer since 1991. Good Luck.
I've never had an ulcer but I have had canker sores which are directly related to them, I guess it feel about the same, especially when you bite them, that's when they really hurt.
sounds like you have one.. i had one, but the good news is they can heal. but it takes a strict diet. i did it for 6 months and mine went away. your gonna have to stay away from acidic foods and drinks.
i have the exact same symptoms and my stomch hurts but i take pepcid and alot of tums. acid reflux disease runs in my family. i was taking prevacid and it disappeared so i'm going monday to the doctor to get more. i always thought it was an ulcer but if the prevacid works then it's not so try something over the counter like pepcid or tagement and see what happens if it helps a little bit it's acid reflux but you need a doctors perscription. good luck!
nobody on this answer list should be a subsitute for going to the doctor. i could be something very serious ya know

Has anyone had a doctor that removed a good appendix?

im doing an assigment about the appendix and was wondering if anyone has had an operation and the doctor has removed the appendix and than found out that it was a good one? what has happend to the doctor? if anyone has hurd or had SIMALAR experiances can you plaese reply
thanks xoxo
It is actually fairly common that doctors remove normal appendixes. I remember from med school that a good doctor removes diseased appendixes only around 84% of the time. A doctor who is correct with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis 100% of the time is bound to miss a few cases. And believe me, a ruptured appendix is a helluva prolem, causing peritonitis and eventual death. Not all patients with AP present with all classical findings. Thus, a surgeon has to weigh his impressions and it is generally to the patient's greatest benefit that his/her normal appendix be removed so that in the future, the diagnosis of AP can be easily ruled out.
you only have 1 of them.
Good analysis virtuo.!

I remember one another condition, where good appendices are removed for the future benifit of the patients, that is when exploratory laprotomy is done to see the pathology and nothing comes out wrong inside !
There's an estimate going round that roughly 50% of patients who present with the classic appendicitis symptoms; acute RIF pain from peri-umbillical region, rebound tenderness, fever and constipation have an appendicitis. The rest have other pathology, but, as stated, because of the risks of a perforated appendix, a laparotomy is performed almost as standard in which the appendix will often be removed.

has anyone graduated from an online school to become a medical coder or transciptionist?

I want to know if there are any great online trade school's out there to become a medical coder or transcriber
no, but i did go to tech school for professional coding classes, it was really great! very informative
My mom just graduated from Penn Foster in medical transcription. It was a good online school so maybe it is something that you can check into

Has anyone experienced time shifting or synchronicity on LSD?

Has anyone experienced any time shifting, synchronous events, or other strange space time phenomenon while under the influence of LSD, that you totally cannot explain?
I have experienced both time shifting and synchronicity as well as other alternative views of reality with what i believed was LSD.. though I can explain them and the experience most times never left me feeling a lack of understanding.. when it ever did i always found comprehensive answers in the library.. i do not do drugs anymore and i do not advocate the use of them though i do encourage the education and investigation into the lives of those who havei believe that both the time shifting and synchronicity happen for the same reason..LSD broadens consciousness.. awareness becomes very acute.. ones static state of awareness is a surface base of relative perception.. in the shifting of that zone ones experience of time and space is going to be disoriented.. if you understand that biological memory.. meaning the memory of your flesh carries a resonance of area sounds of near 3 seconds.. it is surface memory.. your short term memory has a window of 18 seconds compounded a search and association response of the initial 3 second lure of surface material at a constant. 18 to the third power collective experience.. information has 18 seconds to be cataloged into long term memory.. for this to happen associations between surface short term memory circuits and long term memory banks.. each bit of information goes through an analysis masking that happens at a speed quicker than biological reflex.. much quicker.. each second.. if you calculate the interplay between sensory memory and short term memory you will find that in between each second of real time we have an infinitesimal amount of space to make these connections.. when we first become aware of this we tend to perceive it as a time shifting event due to the fact that it is not yet our ordinary way of percieving time space and experience. we become sensitive to synchronicity as we step a bit further away from the surface of real time and into dream time which is vast and eternalin this state a moment can last an eternity.. a song can go on for what seems like forever though you honestly know it has only been three seconds.. you turn and look at the others in your party and they all smile a distinct recognition of the fact and immediately every one knows what the other is thinking.. simple as that is.. in that moment the miracle of life is embraced and laughter ensuesthe confusion resides in the simplicity and the horror of the realization that everything is as it has always been and there is nothing unique happening.. and you never needed a drug to understand all this but only the attention to this processmeditation trains the mind to view the world through this lensproper nutrition allows ones mind the strength to stay from distractions and routine trappings of attention.. study programs the mind to follow a particular patheverything you include into your ordinary experience effects the out come of a witnessing awarenessyou are thatthe moment is fleetingyou are not that momentyou are not that vast emptiness in which the moment arisesbut that awareness, nameless, tasteless, seamless into nowfrom all that you are to all that you will ever betilt your brain
Advanced cognative sciences. Everything you are talking about has occured in people who do not use drugs. There are logic maps to these kinds of space/time phenoms you describe.(volumes of data) But as far as these occuring on LSD it would be impossible to determine due to the simple fact that LSD or any other drug would contaminate your subjects cognative abilities etc and render any test result inconclusive.
A long time ago, I went to a birthday party. (1974) I drank some of the punch that had been spiked with LSD. I went to work in a large scale bakery where I proceeded to work a twelve hour shift in what felt like twenty minutes. I went home and slept 19 hours straight.
It was not much different than the effects listed by the first experimenter with the drug.
Maybe Timothy Leary, but he's dead now isn't he?

Has anyone experience on working with Laboratory Rats? Need tips on their behavior?

how to tame or train them. I conduct behavioural tests and need for them to cooperate by holding still. or Tips on a good restraind scaffold or such things..?? it is important medical research on back pain for all you animal right activists. and they die of old age one day and do not suffer pain while conducting the experiment. THank you
Yeah i have done once. Well in order to tame them i went through a experiment called as pavlos experiment. This is very easy way to tame animal. here before u give food to animal u ring a bell and then give food. When u do this for next 15-20 times the animal gets habituated. now next time when u ring bell alone animals runs towards you. This way they are tamed. IN case of rats also this is applicable. Just cage them in special cage where there are many twists and turns. this make them work more for their food. Though it takes time but it works aewsome. Abt makig them still then i said u that once they are tamed, just ring bell, they come running to you and stand there until u give them food. NIce way na..!
Lab rats are grown to meet specific criteria depending upon the study they will be used in. They come in racks of 72, with each rat having it's own little cage. Although there are methods for tameing them, it's generally unnecessary to do so. As far as training, well that just comes along without any particular intervention. The research assistants where thick gloves and pick them up by placeing a gloved hand on top of thier backs, and holding them firmly. The caveat though is that about 1 in 90 of these rats are 1000 times smarter than the others, and stand on thier hind legs squeezing themselves into a back corner, making it hard to get a hold on them. Over the course of two years in graduate psych at Purdue, we had several such rats get away. One of them was never found! Presumably it got into someones book bag and jumped out when the student went outside. Thats smart!
Rat handling has to be done with care, due to their largish size. Lab rats are huge, I think they are norwegian. ANyway, you put them on a metal grate on top of their cage, so they can grasp something. Then you grab the nape of their neck and as much fur as humanly possible around the nape. You need to bunch up all the loose fur or the rat will turn around and bite (hard). You then have to grab the posterior portion including the tail in your other hand (usually left hand). They your assistant can inject the rat or do whatever needs to be done. If you just need to pick them up, use the tail, it's strong. For surgury we first stick them in a CO2 container to knock them out, then use aerosol anasthetic over the nose to keep them under. Anyway you should have an animal care course to guide you through this.

Has anyone ever taken so much Ambien that they literally don't have a clue what they did the night before?

I woke up the next day with scissors in my dishwasher, I had bruises where I had apparently fallen, I'd been at someone's home that I don't remember being at, and lots of phone calls to people at all hours of the night/morning talking about the strangest information (this is what they told me) - I don't remember any of this. Please tell me if anyone else has had this type of amnesia with Ambien. I was scared for several days about what I possibly could have done during that timeframe where I don't remember anything.
Yes, every single time I took the 10mg tablet. This is why you are supposed to get into bed and take it. It can kick in as early as 15 minutes if you haven't eaten, or 45 minutes (usual). Be careful, and only use it at home or around people you trust. You can also hallucinate from it so.don't be walking around or doing anything!
no i havent. maybe u should talk to your doc.!
good luck btw.
your avatar is hot!
Yes I did when I did not go to bed like it states. I went to the store for my daughter and bought red hair color for me then ask my dtr to turn my blond hair into a red mess! That was the last time I ever went out after taking it!
I've heard reports in the news about Ambien users eating in their sleep, but not doing other stuff. It seems quite possible that it would make you do other stuff too, though. I haven't used Ambien myself, but I have used Lunesta. As far as I know, all I do is sleep after I take it, and the only side effect is a bitter taste in my mouth.Check this out:
Yes, in texas its the new date rape drug. People are spiking peoples drinks with it and they pass out and dont remember what they did even hours before they went to sleep. This drug should be pulled from the market.
Yes, the amnesia is a side effect, which is why it is recommeded to take the drug after getting into bed. I took Ambien and Xanax together on a plane for a flight home, and I apparently fell down the stairs getting off the plane, had to have my parents called to pick me up, and then talked (sassed, my parents say) to a police officer. I was slurring the whole time and had little balance. Then when they got me home, I apparently requested a quesadilla and ate pudding with maple syrup. When I woke up the next day, I had no recollection of any of that, but I had bruises all over my legs and a fractured foot from the fall off the plane. Also, there was pudding on the maple syrup container. That morning, I exclaimed to my mother that I was starving and hadn't eaten dinner, and then she clued me in on the whole day - for which I was certainly scolded and learned valuable lessons about drug abuse. You are not alone!

Has anyone ever seen a pill (Vicodin 10) with a triangle inside a triangle with the numbers 567 out from it.?

Someone gave me a pain pill (supposibly vicodin 10) it is white oblong and has triangle with an arrow or something then it has numbers out from it 567, all on one side. There is nothing on the other side except for a line that divides the pill. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!
sounds like another name for codine, a VERY strong pain killer, I suggest that you do NOT take that pill without asking your doctor or pharmacist first.
Asking a pharmacist is the best thing to do to find out what it is.
I wouldn't take a pain pill that someone gave me unless that someone was my doctor. Check with your doctor or if you want, on the internet.
Don't take Vicodin from strangers :)
yep thats a vicodin, be careful it will knock you on your *. Only take half with some water and some food in your tummy, cause it will give you a stomach ache if you don't. Then wait about an hour for the other half and you should be feelin great about 15 minutes after that.
Here's a link so you can see for yourself. It is google images and show pictures of various strenghts of Vicodin. But if you think the person who gave it to you may want to hurt you. don't take it.

Has anyone ever heard that when about to have a stroke, some people smell toast.?

Yes. It's called an 'olfactory hallucination.' Burnt toast is common, but people also can smell other things- strawberries is common.Olfactory hallucinations arent alwaysn caused by stroke- can be neurologic problems, brain tumor, or sometimes jsut no explanation at all.
Yes. But I also smell burnt toast before I get migraines, so.
Burnt toast, yeah.
Crap. I hope not. I smell toast at least once a week, and most of the time, it's in a place where no toast should be.
I don't know about toast, but yes, the olfactory nerve in the brain can sometimes be triggered in an ischemic attack or cerebral hemmorage ( stroke).
It is also known that some epileptics will have a certain smell or taste experience just before a seizure. The nervous system is a strange thing.
I had a stroke and I did not smell any toast. I know that all your beings are numb and your eyes are open and you cannot see anything and yes you can hear people talking.
no, i have never heard this. i am curious though because i have high blood pressure and this sounds like something i should look out for . thank you.
no never heard of that

Has anyone ever had an emg or nerve condution test?? DOES IT HURT??

No I haven't but I'm just about to have one.The doctor has told me that it doesn't hurt - it consists of putting small needles into your nerves and stimulating them. It's apparently an unusual sensation but not a painful one.
No it doesnt hurt, my mother is a RN and side that they are just simulating your nerves to see if they react or dont react, its painless, unless you dont like needles.
I have had both tests, twice. It is 'unpleasant' at times. I would compare the discomfort to an 'aggressive teeth cleaning'. These are important tests and the discomfort is manageable.Best wishes and good luck!
Yes I have had one several years ago. It didn't hurt. The type I think used a sticky pad like those used for heart monitor leads, but there is usually a needle technique used. The needles are small and placed just under the skin. I wouldn't call it totally painless, but it's pretty insignicant. The posted links may be of help.
emg or electromyogram is the insertion of a needle/electrode into the muscle tissue to listen to the sound that the muscle makes which tells the listener about the health of that muscle supplied by a particular nerve.
its mostly painless except when they are sticking the needle into the palm of your hand.
the ncv or nerve conduction velocity measures the time it takes for a voltage applied through an electrode to travel from the area of voltage to the spinal cord and back. its not really too bad.
my mom had one done, she said it was uncomfortable but not untolerable. Good Luck
A LOT depends on what nerves are being tested and what condition is being investigated. My wife had some testing done last year and she described it as Excruciating! (No needles were involved, just surface electrodes and conducting gel on the skin.) Of course, they were testing facial nerves and those in the neck and shoulders. People who have had testing of nerves in the wrist (for carpal tunnel) have it much easier, I'm told.

has anyone ever had a dream that seemed to come true? Like dejavu? Is there a scientific explanation this?

there is an explanation for it should you choose to believe.
we as human beings experience and live all there is in the Universe during each and every moment, there is no more than there is right now - this very second- within the physical realm.Yet the soul has been and will be forever free to travel as it so chooses throughout time, re-membering. notice the hyphen. it is within the "dream" state that the soul is able to disengage from the physical shackles of the world and manifest itself where ever and whenever. I have been doing this for years, as a child I would have the same dream over and over until it manifested.
And more recently, when I am sleeping I have found that if I have taken a period of specific meditation before laying down i can direct where i "go" in my state of ultimate consciousness. notice the lack of the use un -
And the damnedest thing of all is this thing that happens all the time.. i will start dreaming about having a conversation with someone, and the phone will ring bringing me back to the state of un-consciousness will call life, and it's the person I was just conversing with in my "dream". it's wild..
about a month ago, my friend who normally calls me in the early am when we are both on the road didn't call. I love deeply and was getting worried, well.. when this friend did call what we could consider late. the explanation was this. he had an inspector for the jobsite with him and blah blah blah. he goes on to tell me the inspectors name and yada yada, which jarred my memory. I had been in the truck with them that morning. In sleep state i was asking if my friend knew someone named Paul. and blah blah and I'll be dammned if the inspector wasn't a guy named Paul. Most really great dreams come by way of two souls being in the same place at the same time.
I can will my kids and i into mutual dreams with their help.
if they're willing we can go to f-in disneyland for the night.
Off course dreams come tru. We mostly dream of wordly things in around us and its very probable that they come tru. Dreams are a reflection of our thought process and a handiwork of brain when our body is sleeping.
yes, i have kept a dream journal just to make sure that what i dreamed and what real life stuff was real and not. and over half of my dreams have come true!
I have them all the time strangely.september interest in illnesses.I seem to get them, but dont know how I see them. I see something in my dream that comes true.somehow.Id guess its just fate and luck/chance that is in effect. I really don't see how these dreams could manifest to real life.
I have had many dreams come true. I use a book to help interpret them. It does lead to the fact that perhaps I am getting information from events that already transpired. Is there another parallel universe. Is Kpax right? Will the universe stop expanding and collapse back onto itself, then expand again. Then we will live the exact same life as before? You be the judge.
yes it is possible,no explanation though,,wish i could explain them !!
YES! My dreams come true constantly.Not only that but simple things I'll think of will happen,sometimes in the same day!
all the time pothead
I have had several premonitions; it still frightens me to some degree. Each time I feel as though I should have done more. The only issue is I never know who will be involved.Each time I have had a vision it has happened when I was just doing some free association. Sadly the most recent one occurred this morning while I was in the shower. I felt I had a fear of someone getting me out of the shower.About an hour later as I was on my way to work I spoke with my boyfriend, he told me that a couple of friends we knew had someone break into their condo, only Niki was home, the masked man had stole items and grabbed Niki out of the shower.
I'm still a tad freaked out by all of it. Apparently they have information about the guy and got his license information as he drove into the gated community; thankfully.If you have any scientific explination for it I'm all ears.
Well, I used to (especially as a kid) have this dajavu experience where I would be in the middle of a conversation or just sitting around and all of a sudden it was like I had already had this conversation or already done what we were doing and I knew exactly what was going to happen next and what everyone was going to say and I couldn't change it even when I tried. And it would go on for a few minutes. It was weird and would kind of freak me out. I talked to others about this and a few said they had similar experiences. I looked it up in some psychic phenomena books and their best explanation was that it is like a glitch in your brain.that things were happening too fast for the brain to process all the information and that while it was happening your brain didn't really process it and then when it did, it was like your brain was 'seeing' or 'doing that' for the first time, when really it was almost like remembering it, so it feels like you had already done it. So that's the dejavu part. Like a pause in your brain and then when it catches up to real time, it seems like you've already been there, done that. Weird and cool.

Has anyone ever had a bad reaction to Reglan (Metoclopramide)? How long did it last?

Or do you know about reactions to Reglan: feelings of impending doom, shudders, feelings of flight, severe panic episodes. And how long do they last? Can they keep coming back?
The side effects shouldn't last long. I've never heard of Reglan being prescribed for anxiety (usually this is listed as a side-effect), but then I don't claim to know everything. It's usually prescribed for nausea, since it causes to the stomach to empty into the small intestine more quickly, and also strengthens the lower espoph. sphincter. If you continue to have anxiety like symptoms bring this to the attention of your physician, it may be due to something else.
My doctor prescribed Reglan to me when I was having the severe panic episodes and the other things you mentioned. I didn't have any reaction to the drug, however, I slept a lot. I'd suggest that if you are having these symptoms while taking it, you need to contact your doctor to have him prescribe something else. I, personally, had the same reactions that you've mentioned when he tried me on Zoloft. I also had worse symptoms with Effexor.I had a seizure while taking it. I now take Lexapro and Klonopin, and they are working very well. Good luck!

Has anyone ever died and came back to life?

Did you or someone you know ever die and then come back to life later? What was it like? What do you see? Did you go out of your body? Do you think it was real?
Yes. They floated outside of their body, watching what was going on in the hospital room. It was only a couple of seconds. Yes, I belive they was telling the truth.
I guess , jesus did and that counts a lot.
my boyfriend has been technically dead a few times, but then brought back.. I've never asked him what it's like though, because the reason it happened isn't something I realy want to know about.
yes i did..i drowned and was brought back i saw a white light and everything got very peaceful like nothing i have ever felt before and then i woke up it was cool but im glad im here
My daughter was(technically) D.O.A. at the hospital..but they fought for 45 minutes to bring her back.they managed to resuscitate her..but she had such severe brain damage there was no hope of her recovering. SO 5 days later I made the choice to take her off life support. She died in my arms at 16 days old.
The only records, that I know of when a person died and came back to life is in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, in which Jesus Christ had raised up Lazarus and even a dead woman, and probably a twelve year old girl. In modern times, I am really not sure of any such records in reality, but, in plenty fiction accounts of people dying and coming back to life happens everyday in television and even the movies and the fiction books that people read everyday of their lives.
You might get some references about people who came back from dead or glimpsed the after-life in books and scientific papers dealing in this field. and I think its is sometimes called Parapsychology!
Jesus and Lazarus
there are hundreds of books about the subject
Nikki Sixx. He was dead for 15 minutes I believe. He claims that he was pulled out of his body by something very gentle on his head and then grabbed by his foot and jerked back to his body when he came back to life.
yeah, i heard that it is coma death some make it back others never do.
My bro did when he was in a car carsh but he i will not talk about it what so ever
Scientists accually broght dogs back to life only 3 hours dead, they drained the blood and put an antifreeze in the blood stream and left it for an hour or two and drained that, put the blood back in and shocked their hearts and they came back alive!
after jesus ( ESSA what we call him),there were few of his followers somewhere in other placenear syria.the king was non believer of GOD.those 7 followers or 5 may be ran because of being killed.they died in a cave n were brought to life after 100 years.then one of them went out when people saw that coin of 100 years old with him they took him to the king n many people went with him to the cave,there they laid n died again.this was miracle by ALLAH (GOD)
I was a witness of a murder that didn't take place. My cousin and her fiance were laying on the floor in her room, I was on the bed. We were all watching wrestling together. They got quiet all of a sudden and a few minutes later I looked down and saw that he was suffocating her to death. He was pushing on her stomach and held his hand over her mouth and nose.
Her face was white as a ghost, her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and when I pushed him off of her, I screamed and sat her up. She got back to us coughing and choking.
A few days later I asked her if she saw anything. She said that she left her body and saw a white horse with wings. Someone said it was her spirit horse coming for her.And since then that fiance of hers has never been seen in this house again. She didn't press charges, she just wanted him out.
it is technically and phsiologically impossible so no.
When I was younger I had a few problems and was extremely sucidual I overdosed and I flatlined but they brought me back to life I have some neurology problems and liver but the liver problems are because of the drugs and the neurology problems because of flatlining but once you go you don't know you are gone unless they bring you back and somebody tells you I think it is just like going to sleep at night except you don't have to worry about getting up the next morning.
I didn't die and come back but I was in a coma for 3 days I saw all kinds of people at my bed, always with me,always smiling %26 reasureing me, my mom was there, and some really old people in the background, and one baby I believe to be my grand daughter that died at birth sat on my bed with me the whole time. It was so peaceful it really hurt to wake up.
Later (about a month) my doctor told me just a few minutes more and I would have died, so maybe I did I don't know but I can't wait to have these people back in my "life". I am no longer afraid to die, just sad to leave the ones I love here.
I think that if you had cpr and were revived, you died and came back to life. By the time you need cpr, you are not breathing and do not have a pulse (dead).

Has anyone ever been born with two functioning hearts?

And how long has that person lived? Did they ever have surgery to have 1 removed?
There were conjoined twins where one lived and one died but both hearts functioned. The removed one of the hearts when they split them apart.
Have not seen one but it is possible nowadays.
hasn't happen yet i think or i haven't read any in the news T_T
siamese or conjoined twins have been born with two functioning hearts, as far as one person, i havent heard of it.

has anyone else here ever been clinically dead? No heartbeat no respirations?

When I was 18 I was in a car accident and had a grand maul seisure. this is caused by blunt trauma to the head, breaking a blood vessel inside your brain which causes pressure to the brain and can cause death. I remember having the seisure and seeing flashing red and blue spots then nothing else for about 4 days. I was told once I came to that I had actually quit breathing and my heartrate couldn't be found at the accident scene. Has anyone else died and been resuccitated? if so what did you experience? Do you feel like you're living on borrowed time?
Well, evidently it was a temporary loss. You seem oriented and alert, today. The websites below may be of interest. They address the topics given in your question. Personally, I have been anesthesized; which, of course, is a type of controlled death. I recovered to regular vitality afterwards.without my tonsils. About 10 years ago there was a popular book (I do not recall the name of it nor the author). It was about an experience written about by the author. She went into details of heaven that were intriguing to say the least. Glad to have you back on earth! Take care and enjoy the diversity of the websites below:
No, but I've come really close.
No. Not personally. My father was pronounced dead in the hospital by the physician. While we were standing there viewing his body he came back to life. He lived for another 3 years. The first year was okay and of course he was not the same. The last two years were rough and he was pretty much bed ridden.
yeah. It was like 2 weeks ago and I was way too drunk and blacked out and my sister took me to the hospital. It took them 8 minutes to bring me back. I thought I was just sleep and I felt like I was with my uncle who died when I was like 12. It was peaceful but then I woke up scared as hell.
When I was 16 I was hit by a car and I suffered trauma to the head, 5 broken ribs a broken leg, Broken Clavicle, and I broke my arm in 3 places. I also had lacerations to my face from hitting the pavement with my face. I don't remember anything after being hit except looking at a pool of blood forming and flowing away from my face.then everything went black and I woke up a week and a half later in the ICU of St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Utica NY. They said that they had to resuscitate me twice and my heart stopped once when I was in the ER and once when I was in the ICU. The only think I can say i felt during that time can only really be described as the feeling you get from being in Super Hot water like a hot tub.then Jumping from that immediately into really cold water then back into hot water.Its like this electrical feeling. I didn't see any kind of white light or anything like that.

Has anyone else had side effects while coming off of effexor?

I feel like my doctor didn't wean me off the drugs slow enough and now I am having the "brain shivers", and the chills and a fever? I don't feel like this is right. Is there anything I can do about it? I mean, I can't work or even go out of my house. I'm so miserable. Any suggestions?
You need to see another doctor. NOW! Effexor (and all the SSRI medications) can have very serious side effects. Your body has become accustomed to the Effexor in order to function. It should be reduced slowly, and if you are still getting bad withdrawal symptoms, your doctor should at least try supplementing it with something else for a while. Every person is different in their response to medications. No two people are alike, and it is up to you and your doctors to monitor and control this experiment. (yes, it is an experiment with a sample size of one person, you)
If you really think they're from being taken off the meds, then start taking them again and call your doctor to explain your situation. I know that I merely skipped a dose and within an hour I was dizzy and felt like a cold was coming on. The weaning-off process is slow, so maybe you're right and your Dr. took you off too quickly.I hope you feel better soon!
TELL HIM!! (your doctor). You (or your insurance) are paying a lot of money for treatment. Do you get payed as much as he does? Call the doctor or get someone to call him.
Hmm, you should ask your doctor right away.I guess it also depends on how much u were taking beforehand

Has anyone else ever had a central slip that required a second surgery (tenolysis)? See details.?

I am an idiot. In May of last year I wasn't doing a good job paying attention to what I was doing with my table saw and cut the top of my index finger from the point that the finger connects to the hand to just past the middle knuckle, which of course got my tendon, about 50% of the cartilege in my middle knuckle, notched the bone, etc. I had surgery and 6 weeks later when the pin came out began physical therapy, but was unable to regain any significant motion. Then I underwent a tenolysis and 3 days later began therapy again - same results, a little better motion, but nothing to write home about. Has anyone had a similar injury and were you able to regain any of the motion in your affected finger? I quit going to the therapist and doctor about 2 months ago out of frustration. Should I just give up or is there any hope at all?
Ouch! Sorry, hasn't happend to me. Sorry it did happen to you.
Go back to ur doctor. It may seem hopeless now but things will get better dear, I have been there! Push on with the therapy, you will be glad u did!

Has anyone been exposed to chlorine gas caused by accidentally mixing bleach with ammonia? What happened?

I did, about 15 years ago, and it nearly cost me my life. It was accidental.I was cleaning the cat box and, duh, there's ammonia in there and there was a cloud that came up from the sink and I happened to inhale it. I started choking. It temporarily blinded me and the burning sensation was like nothing I have ever felt. I crawled away from the sink and collapsed on the floor (this was in the basement so the cold floor actually felt good). I didn't pass out but I actually had saliva and mucous running from my nose and mouth. I couldn't breathe at all. I must have been lying there for a good 20 minutes before I could get up again. My dog came downstairs and started licking me all over and that revived me. My chest, nose and throat hurt for weeks.I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this experience? I was pretty stupid but it happens to other people too. It's deadly and I was probably inches from death. Another gasp of air with the chlorine gas would have probably done me in.
I have treated several that have done the same thing. People think that since bleach cleans pretty good, Ammonia cleans pretty good, mix them together and wow, it should clean really good.Wrong, and several people have died and one is permanently blind due to this mess up.Dont mix the two, and dont use the ammonia with a cleanser that has bleach in it, get the same results
you should make that into a movie.
yeah it happened to me when i was cleaning my toilet once, but my experience wasnt that intense.
No, I've never had the experience, but I'm sure it is fatal. Be careful next time.
One of my classmate's moms died from that. she mixed ajax and ammonia.. or something like that.
I think I got just a tiny whiff of it once, from the toilet. Yes, it's no joke.Good thing to be taught in health class or science class. Here's a good example of where science is useful for everyone.
yes I was stupid once b 4 and did it myself but once I noticed that I couldnt breath and started coughing I ran to another romm for air. This was about 7 yrs ago
I never had it happen that bad, but I mixed CLR and bleach, thinking that it'd be ok as long as I turned the vent fan on. yeah. It wasn't.You just gotta pay attention to the labels!
Well there was a case of a derailed railroad car that had roughly 100,000 pounds of chlorine as cargo, and it sent a cloud of gas into a small town in South Dakota. The effects of chlorine gas are very similar to mustard gas, in that they will cause extreme irritation of mucus membranes and can cause death fairly quickly. If you ever deal with that chemical, make sure you're in a well-ventilated area.
never happened to me.thought the danger might have been an exaggeration till I read all this.
good way to spread the word!
It is not called chlorine gas it's cyanide. It's been used for many decades to kill people on purpose as a gas and a pill form.
Yes I have and I coughed alot and it made my eyes water. I could like "taste it" for awhile and I couldn't get the smell out of my sinuses for awhile either.
My friend did that at work below the exhaust fans once. Said it made the water boil and cleaned real well. Ate the rust off the inside of the mop bucket. He was pretty much brain dead to begin with, so didn't affect him too noticably.
Just an interesting factoid about your body.Some of your own body's immune cells, the phagocytes produce hypochlorite (same active chemical in bleach) and use it to destroy foreign micro-organisms.
Note: Scary experience.. you're very fortunate. Glad you survived it.

Has anyone been circumcised as an adult or know what it is like?

I am 20 and I am thinking about getting circumcised. Has anyone had it done or know of anyone who has? I would love to know what your thoughts were on the experiance.
Don't do it if you are trying to impress a girl.
My b/f is not and I don't care.My son is not
and I think that God made men this way.
What's the point in cutting on that very sensitive area.Keep it clean so you don't get infections.
Also not to be nasty but make sure and wash before sex because it can collect lint.It's suppossed to be there.Don't worry.Only immature women find it nasty.And just a little
extra info.It does not effect size.
Get that done no girl wants to look or touch that dirt collecting thing you got, its unhealthy for you and it must be embarrassing.
My Uncle was at 65 years of age. It was painful to say the least even any pressure from the sheet hurt him. I do not know if his age had any-thing to do with it though,also his tolerance for pain may have been lower than yours. You really can't decide whether or not to do this depending on how someone else tolerated the procedure. You know how you deal with pain, better than anyone else. Another thing once the pain goes away you truly won't remember exactly how it felt, because once the pain is gone it is gone. The intense pain was for 1/2 days for him, then it was very easily tolerated. Wish you well,Good Luck.
I've heard of it being done, and I've heard of it being very painful, but I don't know if the latter is true. The best person to ask would be a doctor, they go to med school for a few dozen years to answer questions like this. Besides, there's no apparant advantage to having it circumsized, other than being easier to clean.
doesnt sound much like fun
Leave it well alone, man. There is really no reason to do it. It is not common practice in many other countries other than the US, and the "making it easier to clean" advantage is extremely slight. As I'm sure you know, it's a piece of cake, takes 10 seconds, and doesn't really get that dirty anyway. Additionally, trust me, girls really couldn't care less, and if they were that picky why would you want to be with them anyway? So and to answer your question, I've heard it's excruciatingly painful and bleeds like a bastard. The only possible reason I can imagine the appeal is if you were converting to Judaism and were very very pious.
Try asking an Arab terrorist facing capture by the Israelis, might be painful - but not as painful as the alternative!
It is a very good practice for many reasons, the main one being hygiene. A nasty substance called smegma collects under the foreskin no matter how well you wash it. The foreskin is a breeding ground for bacteria and other germs.It is not so painful. You will experience much sensitivity to water (even at average temperatures) and it will take a 3-7 days to get used to it.You will be glad you did!
There is absolutely no evidence that having a foreskin is unhealthy in any fact it enhances the sexual experience to a degree. Common sense and good hygine are all that's needed.for Pete's sake man leave it alone!:)

Has anybody read or have heard of stem cell research work with kidneys?

I have googled this subject and there dose not seem to be a lot of info on this particular subject
I researched your question and this is the only article I could find.Japanese Scientists Cure Renal Failure With Adult Stem Cells
by Steven Ertelt, Editor, June 21, 2005

Tokyo, Japan ( -- Scientists in Japan have been able to cure renal failure in rats with adult stem cells taken from kidneys of healthy rats. They say the same process should be able to work in humans.
The University of Tokyo research team transplanted somatic stem cells from the healthy rats. Such cells are able to develop into a variety of cells in that specific organ.The team announced their findings in the June 20 issue of the U.S. science magazine, "Journal of Cell Biology."The doctors involved in the research say that the possibility is strong that the same process can help humans with renal failure because human kidneys have similar somatic stem cells."It's been confirmed that somatic stem cells in kidneys are capable of not only creating new cells but also restoring damaged organs. We may be able to develop drugs aimed at (activating) somatic stem cells," said University of Tokyo Associate Prof. Keiichi Hishikawa.The research team identified the cells and confirmed that they exist in a part of the rat kidney called the stroma. The cells are also able to develop into blood vessels and renal tubules.The team transplanted 10,000 cells into the kidneys of rats with renal failure and tests seven days later found that the kidney functions returned to normal.In the article, the Japanese researchers say the cells repaired damaged kidney cells and noted that the number of new stem cells decreased to about 30 percent after the repair work was done.The team found similar stem cells in the kidneys of human patients at the University of Tokyo hospital.If successful in humans, the adult stem cell therapy could help millions of patients worldwide who currently undergo artificial dialysis.I would suggest that you talk with your Nephrologist about the lastest research and developments in the field of end stage renal failure. I wish you and your wife the best.
never heard of stem cell recearch in a kidney. But i will try to search for it. Why r u interested in it?

has any one out there heard of salvia, and organic ecstacy?

i just want to know how they can both be legal considering the effect they have on people and also what goes into them?
Yes. Salvia divinorum. You can research is on www.erowid.orgIt's considered "physically safe" at this point. Meaning that there aren't any deaths that were caused by the plant physically.However, it is not "mentally safe" meaning, that the plant has a very acute and powerful effect on the mind for the duration of the intoxication.In general, expect to feel like your in a sauna (Lots of skin flushing, lots of sweating.). Also, the main effect is a hallucinogenic state of mind, which is some kind of mix between LSD and Diphenhydramine Hcl. (benedryll). Though this is just the type of hallucinations. The mind state is unlike almost anything I have ever tried. If I had to describe it.It's kind of like nitrous (Laughing gas) coming up, slowly warping with a feeling of Diphenhydramine, and finally settling at a point where you don't really feel intoxicated, but you are definitely not in Kansas anymore.Herbal Ecstasy. The ones I heard about were focused purely on Ephedrine, which in high doses can cause heart attack, stroke..standard stimulant situations.The new ones introduce a whole new host of psychoactive plants in their manufacture. Herbal Ecstasy may be natural, but they are by no means safe. People have died from using the "herbal" products, and in many cases the people producing them simply lie. Green hornet was supposedly an all natural "high".In the end it was found that Green hornet was a mixture of DXM (cough medicine main ingredient.) Dihpenhydramine (benedryll) GHB (illegal date rape drug) and Ephedrine. So only 1 of the main ingredients was actually natural.My personal advice: Don't do either of them. Salvia is definitely only for the seasoned adventurer, and herbal Ecstasy, only for the desperate.If you have to do one, do salvia while it is still legal. Here are some basic rules for Salvia, and any powerful drug in general.1. Have a sober sitter. I can't explain how helpful they really are. Not only if you get into an emergency, but in the depths of some "trips" a person who knows what your on, and isn't freaking out because you are is something that is invaluable in a situation like that.2. Have water- Cotton mouth, upset stomachs and thirst are my personal 3 things that cause a trip to go from neutral to bad. Water helps with all three.3. Do not drive, Do not leave the house if the sitter thinks it's a bad idea, do not try to cook anything.--These are just for your own safety. Also, having a sober sitter that can handle all these for you is absolutely great.4.Don't go to public places. People have a habit of calling the police on anything suspicious these days, and while it's technically not illegal to have salvia, they will bust you for public intoxication, and riding in the back of a cop car is terrible when your sober, I don't want to imagine it when your "high".5. No weapons or dangerous objects.--This is obvious for any hallucinogenic substance, if you hallucinate a bear attacking you when it's just your friend trying to calm you down, the results.not so good. I have never had this problem, nor seen it myself. But the possibility is there none the less.Hope this has all helped.Also, push to get all drugs legalized so people don't have to use crazy drugs that we didn't even know existed.Also, get drugs legalized so drug dealers will stop making so much money on it.
yes salvia divenorum looks like a doc leaf .you can buy it from bong shops in the uk
In my state they aren't legal, but the laws aren't enforced. Head shops around here still sell those items. In fact, cops I've talked to don't even know what salvia is, or that it's illegal. Salvia is a kind of sage. I have no idea about herbal ecstasy.
Salvia is a plant that you smoke (more like pot than x). It is also a hallucinogen, were as pot isn't. It is still legal in the US, as far as federal law goes. But, give them time they'll make it illegal. I think they haven't yet, because it isn't very popular. I tried it last year. We bought it from a vendor at a concert. I liked it.
saliva is not that fun, I would not recommend it. It is not a good feeling hallucinogen and I would much rather smoke some pot than that crap
Yeah I tried it and it sucks. I bought the strongest extract available in one of the headshops around here. Both experiences were similar but I think I smoked more the second one and it wasn't too pleasant. I put on some trippy winamp visualization on my monitor and right after inhaling thought my mind fell out of my brain. A few seconds later I realized that I had knocked over my pepsi on my desk and tried to clean it up. I was barely able to take stock of what happened and it took every ounce of concentration I had to go get a towel to mop it up and I broke out a strong sweat. Also had strong feelings of guilt or that someone was going to catch me or get me in trouble (paranoia like when you first start smoking weed).After mopping up the pepsi spill and hiding the bowl I had no energy left whatsoever, just had to lie down on the bed and watch the ceiling fan spin, but I was so hot I wound up hugging my air conditioner. Within an hour it was over but overall it wasn't a very pleasant experience. I still have most of the extract and haven't smoked it since.Weed produces a much funner high IMO, I think the reason the government has come down hard on salvia is that it will never be a party or social drug.
Salvia divinorum is an extraordinary visionary herb. It is not a recreational drug. It produces a profoundly introspective state of awareness that is useful for meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection. Its effects are unique and cannot be compared with the effects of other drugs. The effects of Salvia do not appeal to many people (young or old). The people who are most drawn to it are both mature and philosophically minded. Beware of inaccurate information. There are many unethical vendors who try to lure naive customers by portraying the effects of Salvia as more appealing than they are. The news media often sensationalizes stories about Salvia, exaggerating its effects, risks, and popularity. Much of what has appeared in the popular press is inaccurate and misleading. Salvia is not "legal pot." It is not "legal acid." It is not a substitute for any other drug. Before trying Salvia, it is important that you know about its effects, appropriate uses, and the potential risks associated with irresponsible use.

Has American culture cross the line into Paranoia?

In reference to other life-forms, both microscopic and not. It seems that people are not questioning the use of Anti-bacterial chemicals of all sorts. Some of these are damaging the ecosystem. Some of these are very nasty.
Microbes, bugs, wildlife of all kinds and being presented as “the bad guys.” Have things gotten out of hand? Are people being duped into spending money for products that do not seem to really keep them healthier?
Frankly, yes. At least as far as anti-bacterial soaps and such.
I think most people would be shocked (and grossed out) if they were to be made aware that microscopic bugs live on their skin. Completely harmless.
And the only thing all these products are accomplishing, is to make the organisms more resistant. Everything adapts over time. That's why there are so few effective antibiotics these days. And indeed, bacteria is quickly becoming resistant to those as well.
As far as bugs and wildlife..some bugs are beneficial and very much needed, while others cause disease. And should be controlled.
Wildlife? Most people have been raised in the city. But the cities are encrouching into the countryside, where, of course, the wildlife live.
And since they have no experience with animals, outside of a zoo, it scares the h--- out of some people. They don't know what to do if they encounter an animal, and rather than learn, they want them gone.
i totally agree with the answer above me and i want to add that contact with microbes actually enhances the immune system because the body learns how to control the population of that particular organism in the body without outside interventions such as antibacterial soaps, antibiotics, etc. children who are raised in homes which are excessively clean are more susceptible to disease because their bodies are not accustomed to coexisting with a normal population of microorganisms.

Has a doctor ever given you advice or medication that proved to be harmful to you?

Have they ever admitted it? Mine are minor. I was prescribed an anti-biotic that made me sick to my stomach, but the doctor said that wouldn't be it and ordered hundreds of dollars of tests. Another time he took me off Lexapro and my head started zapping and he didn't know it was a side effect of weaning me off of it. Finally he prescribed a saline spray for my sinuses but CT scan later revealed that with a deviated septum, the spray was not able to drain properly from my sinuses and causing more problems. Yes, these we're just annoances and not life-threatening. Perhaps you have some more serious situations to share.
I had recurrent ear pain and wax buildup in my right ear for years, that my GP could not resolve. I finally got a recommendation to an ENT. This fellow saw me for all of 3 minutes, was incredibly rude, caused me substantial pain during the exam, and said I had TMJ. It turned out to not be TMJ, but a malignant tumor of the ear canal tissue, that was finally diagnosed 5 years later by a great ENT. It the first jerk had sent me for further testing, the tumor would have been detected at a much earlier stage, and the extensive surgery and radiation treatment required avoided. Instead, now I am 98% deaf in that ear (only bone conduction hearing, as I have no ear canal, ear drum, and had two middle ear bones removed) and have to be followed up every 6 months with a PET scan to catch the inevitable spread of this disease.
Kept prescribing me tetracycline all along I was having an allergic reaction called "fixed drug eruption", took 6 doctors to finally find out the is an awful thing I would not wish upon anyone.As far as those head-meds, I have no faith in those drugs, money making schemes..i think most doctors prescribe what ever phar reps tell tehm to in order to make mor money.sad
I have to take neuroleptics against schizophrenia that are harmful, they make a zombie out of me and many other people. we lose our consciousness, we gain weight and become heavy smokers. the higher levels of our brain don't function anymore. I think those meds are very harmful, but the docs say there are no better meds yet.
Sorry about your experiences,hate to say this but most doctors are whores of the pharamcuetical industry,and will prescribe whatever drug they are making a nice profit from.You can look up the experiences of others on the terrible drugs out there by going to,or searching in google.I was prescribed Avelox for a so called sinus infection,I took one pill and started hallucinating,and had a pyschotic episode.I searched online and found out what a poison this is!I went to another doctor and found out that I didn't even have a sinus infection :(
A friend of mine would have died if she had taken the pills prescribed. Fortunately, the pharmacist realized the mistake and phoned the doctor. It was a big scandal around this problem, but the doctor is still prescribing medicines. No measures have been taken.
I have also seen a great documentary which refered to human error. Doctors forgot instruments they used in surgery inside their patients. The instruments were seen by the bodies of the patients as an virus, and the body tried to neutralize it, but all it could do was cause an infection. The infection had devastating effects on the patient. Some of them died. The lucky ones were operated again for removing the instrument, but they still suffer the consequences.
God, yes!
Wrong meds
Too high a dose.Realize that doctors only do what pharmaceuticals tell them to do. Merck makes a drug, give it to docs and they prescribe it.
Sooner or later they can make a big mistake
Yes, I'm in the medical field, scary huh!!
Most antibiotics will cause stomach upset. The benefit that drug will give you is greater than the risk of its side effects. This is the general rule that is used in medicine for treatment of any illness

Hangover cure?

Best cure for a hangover?
1. Optimal= do not drink
2. Do not mix different types of drinks
3. Drink a glass of milk before you go to drink or before you got to bed
4. Eat well before starting to drink
Big cup of tea %26 a bacon sandwich.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of (something that has to do with a cure)- That's my bad Ben Franklin quote. It's always best to drink a lot before going to bed. In the morning, if you have a hangover, drink plenty of liquids, and eat fatty substances.
Drinking the same drink in the morning in a small amount. For instance if you had beer for the night and woke up with a hangover, drink a bottle of beer in the morning.
Hair of the dog
Big fry up
Lots and lots of water (even better if you had drunk it just before bed)
More sleep
Sleep and lots of water!
Stay drunk all the time.
I found something that works pretty damn well for me - if I wake up in the night to use the toilet or anything in the night I eat a big juicy apple. Don't know why but it seems to work miracles. Also drinking lots of water before going to bed is very good.
To prevent a hangover, take advil and then drink a large glass of water before you go to sleep.
A tall glass of water before bed %26 a couple of Tylenol. Then Gatoraid when you wake up.
this is a well know fact in Mexico .Horchata. it works it is good for you and it is very tasty as well and you can buy it by the truck load on EBAY
After drinking and before sleeping drink as much water as you can ,you wont have a headache in the will still look like hell though.
Water, Water, Water and try pedialite for babies.It rehydrates and has sugar which your body will need.Trust me it works! Tylenol is not recommended because it is hard on your liver, especially after a night of drinking. Take asprin instead. Doctors that I know, always take asprin and drink Coke.


how to cure it? can you help?
You have to start flossing. I used to have the worst breath ever, but since I started making flossing a habit, my halitosis is gone.
When you brush your teeth, you should also brush your tongue
Bad breath! Don't you remember that commercial? The best way to deal with halotosis is a large amount of vodka. That will kill anything in your mouth.
Halitosis comes from the alimentary canal, meaning from mouth to intestines %26 beyond. Try to brush effectively often, eat the right food, have it checked by the dentist %26 doctor. Cheers!
Halitosis?(always thought that was a really cool way to say bad breath) You can try brushing your tongue as well as your teeth. However, bad breath could be a sign of a more serious problem..Gum Disease. (even if you have no cavities you can lose all of your teeth to gum disease!) You should see your dentist to make sure you do not have periodontal problems. Bad breath can also be a sign of stomach problems. If dentally your are proactive and this does not fix the issue see your physician.Some medicines can also cause bad breath.Smokers and Coffee drinkers can expect bad breath issues. Rinse and brush as needed.
Yes, 2 things. Go to a good health food store.
Take some acidophilus (good bacteria) capsules every morning on an empty stomach with a whole glass of water. That is what is in yogurt. Possible at a time you have taken too many antibiotics %26 have screwed up your intestinal flora. This will build it back up again.
Also get some chlorophyll capsules %26 take them once to twice a day.
Stay away from too much sugar that tends to "feed" any yeast over growth %26 also causes bad breath. My husband has had this problem for years. Whenever he eats a lot of sugar it always gets worse.
Persistent bad breath can be a sign of major gum disease. How long since your last dental check up? It could also be gases and odors coming up from gastrointestinal problems. In which case you would need to see your doctor. Also, some diseases can cause bad breath such as cancer, tuberculosis, syphilis, dehydration, and zinc deficiency. If you constantly have bad breath it's a good idea to see your dentist and or your doctor.
I wish I knew how to cure it permanently. I am a very clean person. I brush my tongue, floss, gargle with peroxide/water, and drink lots of water and I STILL have a problem at times. Tthey say it is caused by lack of certain bacteria in the mouth that feeds on sulphuric acids (the cause of bad breath). Too bad that bacteria bypassed me (and you).
tongue scraper will help
Brush your tongue, use a mouthwash atleast once a day. get a scaling done to remove plaque from your teeth and rinse mouth after every meal.
i have been a chronic sufferer for over 30 decades, i have spent thousands of dollars going to doctors and dentists with no relief. i've spent hundreds of dollars on over the counter remedies that don't work. so i definately feel your pain. i don't like to be around people because of it and it really kills yours self esteem. i'm not giving up and plan on finding the right dentist that's willing to help.
Sometimes it is because you have a sinus infection or chronic sinus drainage. See an MD

Half-Life wordproblem help?

I am trying to help my girl with her homework.the problem isat 0 hours drug is at 100%
at 36 hours drug is at 50% (half-life)
what is the percentage is the drug at in 24 hourshow would i answer this, im not just looking for answer but how
you would havte to use the decay formula. Af=Ao * E^(-.693*t/t/2)
Af is final activity
Ao is initial activity
t is time (inthis case 24 hours)
t/2 is half life ( inthis case 36 hours)
E is antilog
-.693 is a mathmatical constant
answer is 63%
tell your girlfriend good luck with nursing 1
well to find 24 hours..i would divide the 36 by 3.that gives you 12..then multiply that by 2 giving you the 24 hoursdo the same for the 50%.divide it by you 16.67 (rounded) then multiply that by you 33.34%not sure if that is right but it sounds right to me. good luck.
50 X
---- = ------
36 2436X = 50 ( 24 )X = 33.33% of the drug is metabolized so.

100% - 33.33% = 66.67% is the answer

Had Prozac earlier..?

Today around 12, i took 20 mg of prozac (Fluoxetine, Generic) My percription,Ive been on it for a while and never considered having a drink. Well my friends called and invited me out to a girls night out tonight. So i was wondering if anyone knew if it would be ok for me to have drinks tonight. I know this is a question that should be anwsered by a doctor but its after 5 pm where i am from and doctors closed. Chances are since its Ruby Tuesdays it wont be beer, itll be hard liqur. I am just wondering for opions here, I wont make a decision based on what someone tells me. P.S. Just to be clear there will be a DD, Come on i have 3 kids im more responsable than that..
Prozac stays in your system for a long time, and if I remember correctly, it hits peak levels in your blood at about 6-8 hours after dosing. What that means is if you took some at noon, the levels of Prozac in your system will be highest between about 6 to 8 p.m. If that's the case, I would strongly advise you to not drink alcohol, or if you absolutely must, to limit yourself to one drink only, and then stick to soda afterwards.I take anti-depressants, and I called my uncle, who is a pharmacist and really knows about all this stuff, several years ago on New Year's Eve to find out if I could drink. He said it's safer to have the alcohol BEFORE the medication, and then wait 'til the last possible time to take the medication, so when I drink, that's what I do. He also said I shouldn't have more than two drinks if I was drinking liquor. The reason he gave me that advice was because the liquor would be mostly out of my system before the drug was at peak level in my system. Here, you have a reversed situation, so I think you need to be very, very careful.Good luck!
they usually say dont mix the stuff because it will deteriorate your liver (over time). you took the pill hours ago so its not "peaking". if you had just taken it i would say its probably not safe to drink. if you start to feel lightheaded then you'll obviously stop drinking.
the only thing is that its bad for your liver, but only in extreme, even one night of hard drinking wont be bad.. they mean, dont drink excessivly daily, then that will ruin your liver, no its perfectly fine, my doctor told my husband this. he takes that.. worse thing that will happen is you will get drunk a hell of a lot quicker,, the medicine extends the effect of the alcohol.
It will make the affect of the Prozac go away for one. The only thing I can think that would be a reason not to drink with it for tonight is because you are more than likely on it for some form of depression. Alcohol is a downer. It could make you feel suicidal, But I don't know how severe your symptoms are, so that may not be something you would worry about.
I used to take Prozac some time long as you don't over do it.and I emphasize.a couple of drinks will be ok.KNOW YOUR LIMITS!

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