Saturday, November 7, 2009

has anyone ever had a dream that seemed to come true? Like dejavu? Is there a scientific explanation this?

there is an explanation for it should you choose to believe.
we as human beings experience and live all there is in the Universe during each and every moment, there is no more than there is right now - this very second- within the physical realm.Yet the soul has been and will be forever free to travel as it so chooses throughout time, re-membering. notice the hyphen. it is within the "dream" state that the soul is able to disengage from the physical shackles of the world and manifest itself where ever and whenever. I have been doing this for years, as a child I would have the same dream over and over until it manifested.
And more recently, when I am sleeping I have found that if I have taken a period of specific meditation before laying down i can direct where i "go" in my state of ultimate consciousness. notice the lack of the use un -
And the damnedest thing of all is this thing that happens all the time.. i will start dreaming about having a conversation with someone, and the phone will ring bringing me back to the state of un-consciousness will call life, and it's the person I was just conversing with in my "dream". it's wild..
about a month ago, my friend who normally calls me in the early am when we are both on the road didn't call. I love deeply and was getting worried, well.. when this friend did call what we could consider late. the explanation was this. he had an inspector for the jobsite with him and blah blah blah. he goes on to tell me the inspectors name and yada yada, which jarred my memory. I had been in the truck with them that morning. In sleep state i was asking if my friend knew someone named Paul. and blah blah and I'll be dammned if the inspector wasn't a guy named Paul. Most really great dreams come by way of two souls being in the same place at the same time.
I can will my kids and i into mutual dreams with their help.
if they're willing we can go to f-in disneyland for the night.
Off course dreams come tru. We mostly dream of wordly things in around us and its very probable that they come tru. Dreams are a reflection of our thought process and a handiwork of brain when our body is sleeping.
yes, i have kept a dream journal just to make sure that what i dreamed and what real life stuff was real and not. and over half of my dreams have come true!
I have them all the time strangely.september interest in illnesses.I seem to get them, but dont know how I see them. I see something in my dream that comes true.somehow.Id guess its just fate and luck/chance that is in effect. I really don't see how these dreams could manifest to real life.
I have had many dreams come true. I use a book to help interpret them. It does lead to the fact that perhaps I am getting information from events that already transpired. Is there another parallel universe. Is Kpax right? Will the universe stop expanding and collapse back onto itself, then expand again. Then we will live the exact same life as before? You be the judge.
yes it is possible,no explanation though,,wish i could explain them !!
YES! My dreams come true constantly.Not only that but simple things I'll think of will happen,sometimes in the same day!
all the time pothead
I have had several premonitions; it still frightens me to some degree. Each time I feel as though I should have done more. The only issue is I never know who will be involved.Each time I have had a vision it has happened when I was just doing some free association. Sadly the most recent one occurred this morning while I was in the shower. I felt I had a fear of someone getting me out of the shower.About an hour later as I was on my way to work I spoke with my boyfriend, he told me that a couple of friends we knew had someone break into their condo, only Niki was home, the masked man had stole items and grabbed Niki out of the shower.
I'm still a tad freaked out by all of it. Apparently they have information about the guy and got his license information as he drove into the gated community; thankfully.If you have any scientific explination for it I'm all ears.
Well, I used to (especially as a kid) have this dajavu experience where I would be in the middle of a conversation or just sitting around and all of a sudden it was like I had already had this conversation or already done what we were doing and I knew exactly what was going to happen next and what everyone was going to say and I couldn't change it even when I tried. And it would go on for a few minutes. It was weird and would kind of freak me out. I talked to others about this and a few said they had similar experiences. I looked it up in some psychic phenomena books and their best explanation was that it is like a glitch in your brain.that things were happening too fast for the brain to process all the information and that while it was happening your brain didn't really process it and then when it did, it was like your brain was 'seeing' or 'doing that' for the first time, when really it was almost like remembering it, so it feels like you had already done it. So that's the dejavu part. Like a pause in your brain and then when it catches up to real time, it seems like you've already been there, done that. Weird and cool.

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