Saturday, November 7, 2009

Has anyone ever died and came back to life?

Did you or someone you know ever die and then come back to life later? What was it like? What do you see? Did you go out of your body? Do you think it was real?
Yes. They floated outside of their body, watching what was going on in the hospital room. It was only a couple of seconds. Yes, I belive they was telling the truth.
I guess , jesus did and that counts a lot.
my boyfriend has been technically dead a few times, but then brought back.. I've never asked him what it's like though, because the reason it happened isn't something I realy want to know about.
yes i did..i drowned and was brought back i saw a white light and everything got very peaceful like nothing i have ever felt before and then i woke up it was cool but im glad im here
My daughter was(technically) D.O.A. at the hospital..but they fought for 45 minutes to bring her back.they managed to resuscitate her..but she had such severe brain damage there was no hope of her recovering. SO 5 days later I made the choice to take her off life support. She died in my arms at 16 days old.
The only records, that I know of when a person died and came back to life is in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, in which Jesus Christ had raised up Lazarus and even a dead woman, and probably a twelve year old girl. In modern times, I am really not sure of any such records in reality, but, in plenty fiction accounts of people dying and coming back to life happens everyday in television and even the movies and the fiction books that people read everyday of their lives.
You might get some references about people who came back from dead or glimpsed the after-life in books and scientific papers dealing in this field. and I think its is sometimes called Parapsychology!
Jesus and Lazarus
there are hundreds of books about the subject
Nikki Sixx. He was dead for 15 minutes I believe. He claims that he was pulled out of his body by something very gentle on his head and then grabbed by his foot and jerked back to his body when he came back to life.
yeah, i heard that it is coma death some make it back others never do.
My bro did when he was in a car carsh but he i will not talk about it what so ever
Scientists accually broght dogs back to life only 3 hours dead, they drained the blood and put an antifreeze in the blood stream and left it for an hour or two and drained that, put the blood back in and shocked their hearts and they came back alive!
after jesus ( ESSA what we call him),there were few of his followers somewhere in other placenear syria.the king was non believer of GOD.those 7 followers or 5 may be ran because of being killed.they died in a cave n were brought to life after 100 years.then one of them went out when people saw that coin of 100 years old with him they took him to the king n many people went with him to the cave,there they laid n died again.this was miracle by ALLAH (GOD)
I was a witness of a murder that didn't take place. My cousin and her fiance were laying on the floor in her room, I was on the bed. We were all watching wrestling together. They got quiet all of a sudden and a few minutes later I looked down and saw that he was suffocating her to death. He was pushing on her stomach and held his hand over her mouth and nose.
Her face was white as a ghost, her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and when I pushed him off of her, I screamed and sat her up. She got back to us coughing and choking.
A few days later I asked her if she saw anything. She said that she left her body and saw a white horse with wings. Someone said it was her spirit horse coming for her.And since then that fiance of hers has never been seen in this house again. She didn't press charges, she just wanted him out.
it is technically and phsiologically impossible so no.
When I was younger I had a few problems and was extremely sucidual I overdosed and I flatlined but they brought me back to life I have some neurology problems and liver but the liver problems are because of the drugs and the neurology problems because of flatlining but once you go you don't know you are gone unless they bring you back and somebody tells you I think it is just like going to sleep at night except you don't have to worry about getting up the next morning.
I didn't die and come back but I was in a coma for 3 days I saw all kinds of people at my bed, always with me,always smiling %26 reasureing me, my mom was there, and some really old people in the background, and one baby I believe to be my grand daughter that died at birth sat on my bed with me the whole time. It was so peaceful it really hurt to wake up.
Later (about a month) my doctor told me just a few minutes more and I would have died, so maybe I did I don't know but I can't wait to have these people back in my "life". I am no longer afraid to die, just sad to leave the ones I love here.
I think that if you had cpr and were revived, you died and came back to life. By the time you need cpr, you are not breathing and do not have a pulse (dead).

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